NOW is the time to
at the
Vanguard - ASO "Event of the Season!"
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What Is Vanguard?
Since 1963, Vanguard has been a fundraising and support group for the Albany Symphony Orchestra. While we work with the ASO staff and members on major fundraising events like the ASO Gala, we also help the ASO staff with office work and children’s programs, we prepare food for musicians and much more.
We organize stimulating, informative and enjoyable fundraising trips to various regional venues for members and the public. This past year included a lovely cruise down the Mohawk River complete with a guided tour about its history and architecture.
We enjoy creating our own fundraising events at local points of interest and beautiful private homes. A second Shrimp Boil, a third Jazz Brunch, both at June Farms, a Sunday Salon of classical music and a delightful trip to the Apple Barrel Cafe in Schoharie County are some of the great opportunities we organized for meeting old friends and making new ones this year.
One of our ongoing operations includes collecting gently used instruments to donate to local school music programs.
The instruments collected are donated to eight local school districts that lack sufficient instruments for hundreds of students whose families cannot afford to purchase them. These donations allow these eager children to study music in depth and play in their schools’ bands and orchestras. Donations are tax deductible. Close to 900 have been collected to date.
For further information, contact Jill Rifkin, Chair, (518) 439-1843 Instruments for Students, Vanguard, Inc.
Maybe YOU can help us! Write to our email or call the ASO office for more Vanguard information.